July 14, 2017
Registration Open for Kansas 4-H Livestock Sweepstakes

The 2017 Kansas 4-H Livestock Sweepstakes will be held August 19-20, 2017 on the K-State campus in Manhattan! The deadline to register will be August 1st. Registration information has been released to counties, and all participants must register through their county office/extension district. All Kansas 4-H’ers are invited to participate in this fun and interactive educational activity. This event includes the state 4-H livestock judging contest, state 4-H meat judging contest, state 4-H livestock skillathon, and state 4-H livestock quiz bowl. This will be considered the state contest and national qualifying event for all four contests.
The sweepstakes competition recognizes the combined performance of members in all of the contests over the weekend. The individual sweepstakes award tabulation includes livestock judging, open division (senior) meat judging, and livestock skillathon. The team sweepstakes includes livestock judging, open division (senior) meat judging, livestock skillathon, and the livestock quiz bowl. Participation in the sweepstakes competition is not required; counties and individuals may elect to only participate in individual activities (i.e. only livestock judging or only meat judging, etc).
Rules, information, and a tentative schedule may be found on the youth livestock program website: https://www.asi.k-state.edu/research-and-extension/youth-programs/4-h-livestock-sweepstakes.html.