July 16, 2018
2018 Kansas 4-H State Wheat Expo Registration Closing July 22 (Repost)

The Kansas 4-H State Wheat Expo is a fun educational wheat day showcasing all things wheat. Join us for the annual event on Thursday, August 2nd from 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. at the Community Center, 101 W. Avenue C, South Hutchinson, KS 67505. It is open to all 4-H family members, 4-H leaders and Extension staff. There will be eight contests open to youth members with cash prizes and ribbons awarded.
There will be two tours offered. Participants may attend one double tour that will be selected at the time of registration. Tour 1 - Dillon’s Nature Center, 3002 E. 30th Avenue, Hutchinson, KS; 620-663-7411 and Kauffman Seeds, Inc., 9218 S. Halstead Street, Hutchinson, KS 67501; 620-465-2245. Tour 2 – Hedrick Exotic Animal Farm, 7910 N. Roy L. Smith Rd., Nickerson, KS 67561; 888-489-8039 and Kincaid’s Seed Research Wheat Plots, Yoder, KS There is a $6.00 per person registration cost.
Register here: http://www.kansas4-h.org/events/index.html. Pre-registration will be required by Sunday, July 22nd, 11:59 p.m. to ensure an accurate meal count and tour divisions. For more information about the wheat expo, visit: http://www.kansas4-h.org/events-activities/conferences-events/wheat/index.html. For additional questions or to get involved with the wheat expo planning committee, contact Deryl Waldren at 785-462-6281 or e-mail: dwaldren@ksu.edu.