September 14, 2016
From the 4-H Program Leader
Upcoming Events
- Kansas 4-H Leadership Weekend - KYLF and KVF
- 48 Hours of 4-H Service Challenge
- Youth Council Applications
- 2016 Kansas 4-H Dog Conference and Quiz Bowl Registration Open
- Shutterbugs at Hays
- Kansas 4-H Citizenship Washington Focus
Volunteer Development
4-H Online
Awards and Recognition
- Kansas Salute to Excellence Volunteer Recognition
- Kansas 4-H Reporters Notebooks- Due November 1
- Kansas State Fair Thank You!
Project Information
- What Commercial Use of Small UASs within the National Airspace Means to K-State
- Kansas 4-H Shooting Sports Age
- Kansas 4-H Horse Volunteer of the Year
Curriculum and Publications
Professional Development
Program Information
- Kansas 4-H Dog Bowl Resources for the Dog Quiz Bowl
- 4-H Shooting Sports End-of-the-Year report and Renewals
- Standards for 4-H and FFA Projects