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  3. »Kansas 4-H Tip Sheet
  4. »Kansas 4-H Wheat Variety

Kansas 4-H Tip Sheet

June 15, 2022

Kansas 4-H Wheat Variety

Submitted by Kelsey Nordyke

The 2022-2023 Kansas 4-H and FFA Wheat Variety Plot program begins fall of 2022 and goes through September 2023. Members should contact their local Extension Office by July 15 for information with enrollments due to the State 4-H Office by July 22, 2022, in order that we can have enough seed and metal signs available for Extension agents and leaders to pick up at the designated locations. Extension Agents should complete registration at https://kstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_doJDUL5Nl5BHTls. New participants will receive a free large plot sign, and five individual variety signs. Returning members receive updated wheat variety names on sticky paper to place on existing metal signs. These will be distributed when the wheat is picked up.

There will be no cost for the program in 2022-23 since the five varieties are again being sponsored by commercial companies.

This year's participants who are getting ready to harvest their plots should be planning their county fair display for possible qualifying for the Kansas State Fair entry in the 4-H and FFA Showcase Building.

In this issue

From the 4-H Program Leader
Project Information
Curriculum and Publications
Program Information
Fair Resources