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  3. »Kansas 4-H Tip Sheet
  4. »Kansas 4-H Deadlines

Kansas 4-H Tip Sheet

March 14, 2018

Kansas 4-H Deadlines

Submitted by Terry Roberts

Check the 4-H Events Calendar for information on events!

22 - Alien Adventure Experience registration
29 - Shooting Sports Training registration

15 - National Hall of Fame MC & entertainer applications
16 - Discovery Day registration

1 - Foster Child Grant applications
1 - Standard of Excellence Delegate nominees
1 - Discovery Days Floor Counselor applications
7 - Snafflebit nominations/Horse ID's/Fees
15 - Centennial Delegate forms and deposits
15 - Campference registration (or earlier if full)
15 - FCS Judging Contest video submissions

1 - Dog Conference logo contest entries

1 - Kansas State Fair project entries