December 16, 2019
Kansas 4-H EID Tag Order Information

As we enter 2020, it is time to order Kansas 4-H EID livestock tags. Over the last couple of years, we have transitioned the tag ordering and distribution process to campus, with the retirement of Dave Kehler. The mailing address and deadlines may be found on the top of the order forms. Beef tag orders will be due Friday, December 27, 2019, with Friday, January 24, 2020 being the deadline to order small livestock tags. Several important EID tag resources may be found on the KSU Youth Livestock Program website ( ). These resources include the order forms, tag application instructions, applicator configuration, best practices for tag retention, and information on utilizing eID technology at the local level. Please make sure the person responsible for ordering and managing the livestock tags in your office is aware and receives this information. Counties/units who plan to order beef tags this year are encouraged to do so at their earliest convenience. Tag orders received after the listed deadline will be considered a special order. Payment must accompany the tag order form for it to be accepted and completed.
State accepted tags – there has been no change in the 4-H/EID tags that will be accepted for nomination to the Kansas Junior Livestock show and the Kansas State Fair. You may see pictures of these tags on the KSU Youth Livestock Program website. Livestock projects must be tagged by the appropriate deadline with a Kansas 4-H EID tag to be eligible for nomination and to exhibit at the Kansas State Fair and/or KJLS.
Utilization of EID Technology – extension units who would like to begin using the EID technology locally, or have questions about the technology, should contact Dave Kehler directly. He will continue to be the go-to person for EID technology-related questions and information. He may be reached at or 316-377-9470.
It is important that counties/units use their oldest tags first. We have reached the point that we are repeating the 4-H visual ID tag numbers. This will make some of the older tags (issued in 2010-2012, 2014-swine only) not eligible for state nominations. Also, extension agents and staff need to remember that these are EID tags, and specifically the beef and swine tags are 840s. So, each extension unit will need to keep an accurate record of the animals/families in which each tag is applied, per the acknowledgement signature on the tag order form.
Tag Order Form Mailing Address:
KSU Youth Livestock Program
c/o Lexie Hayes
214 Weber Hall
1424 Claflin Road
Manhattan, KS 66506