March 13, 2020
Thanks to Flowers and Boudreaux

I wanted to express my sincere appreciation to Catherine Boudreaux as a program assistant and Taylor Flowers as a Program Coordinator who have moved on to other professional opportunities in the past month. Their dedication in servng part-time the efforts of the Kansas 4-H Youth Development program are to be commended. Catherine served the 4-H Department during Sarah Sullivan's temporary absence in late 2018 and continued in a part time capacity assisting with volunteer screening procedures. Taylor Flowers served part-time in the 4-H Department in the areas of Health and Food Sciences as Coordinator as she was also in graduate school. Her efforts at working with the FCS contest committee and strengthening the 4-H connection with the Food Science Institute were commendable. Please join me in thanking them both for their service to Kansas 4-H Youth Development.
Please direct all Health and Food Science or FCS contest related questions to the State 4-H Office for processing.