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  3. »Kansas 4-H Tip Sheet
  4. »NW 4-H Judging Event and Super Saturday

Kansas 4-H Tip Sheet

February 15, 2024

NW 4-H Judging Event and Super Saturday

Submitted by Robyn Trussel

We would like to share the upcoming Annual NW 4-H Judging Event and Super Saturday with all of our Kansas 4-H and FFA youth and families.  This event has been goin on since the early 70's and even though it has changed over the years it is still a great judging opportunity for 4-H & FFA youth to participate in.  NW 4-H Judging Event and Super Saturday will be held on Saturday, March 23rd this year at the Fort Hays State University - Albertson Hall and Livestock Pavilion.  

There will be judging contests available in Crops, Entomology, Horticulture, Life Skills,  Livestock, Livestock Skill-a-thon and Photography.  The cost of the judging contest is $7.oo per youth.  Sack lunches will be available for $8.00.  The daily agenda will look like this:

9:00am to 12:30pm - Indoor Judging (Crops, Entomology, Horticulture, Photography, Life Skills, and Livestock Skill-a-thon)
10:00am to noon - Volunteer/ Parent Session
11:30am to 12:30pm Pick up Sack Lunch
12:30pm Check in for livestock Judging at Livestock Pavilion , north of I-70
1:00pm Livestock Judging Orientation
1:00pm to 3:00pm Project Opportunities
1:30pm Livestock Judging Contest Begins

If you choose to NOT participate in Livestock Judging then you may choose ONE of the following Project opportunities available from 1:00 - 3:00pm at Albertson Hall

1) KS Shooting Sports Ambassadors will host a non shooting, educational, hands-on activity.
2) The Ins and Outs of the dog project - make a parachute cord leash and other dog project related learning activities - $8.00
3) Hands-on STEM activities that coordinate with basic engineering and match up with several 4-H projects.
4) Club meeting ideas, activities and challenges, that are great for officer leadership teams.
5) Fiber Arts - Bohemian Macramé wall hanging - $15

Watch for registration information coming soon via 4-H Online email or from your local extension office. 

For questions contact Robyn Trussel at (785)798-5020 or rdeines@ksu.edu.