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  3. »Kansas 4-H Tip Sheet
  4. »4HOnline 1.0 and 4-H Online 2.0 Updates & Reminders

Kansas 4-H Tip Sheet

June 15, 2020

4HOnline 1.0 and 4-H Online 2.0 Updates & Reminders

Submitted by Terry Roberts

Important Deadlines
We will be migrating to 4-H Online 2.0 on August 14, 2020 and your help is needed to successfully finish the Program Year in 4HOnline 1.0 early.  The official announcement explaining transition details was shared April 15 via the KSRE Listserv; here are the important dates to remember:

July 15
  • Program fee payment deadline to State 4-H office
  • Participating adult volunteers and youth members must be "Active"
  • Managers sharing email address with Family profile must change Family email address
Aug 1
  • EOY and ES-237 deadline in 4HOnline 1.0
Aug 13
  • Last day to edit in 4HOnline 1.0
Aug 14
  • 4HOnline 1.0 is permanently closed to edits
  • Only staff may view data in 4HOnline 1.0
Sept 1
  • 2.0 Manager Permission Changes to Qualtrics *NEW*
Oct 1
  • 4-H Online 2.0 opens for families
Oct 15
  • PEARS entries for 2019-20 ES-237 report

If you have additional questions, please share with a Kansas 4-H Youth Development Specialist, Wade Weber, or Terry Roberts.


Staff Manager Permission Changes  *NEW*
The State 4-H Office must manually create each staff member’s “Manager Account” in 4-H Online 2.0.  In order to set up the system with local Extension preferences, we need your help by September 1, 2020.

Each local Extension office should review the Manager Permissions List and ensure staff with 4-H responsibilities have appropriate access.  Please note it will be possible to give limited permissions (none/read/write) in several different areas in 4-H Online 2.0, and more may become available in the future!  Currently permissions may be customized in the following areas:

  • Family - Information
  • Member - Personal Information
  • Member - Health Information
  • Member - Club/Group Participation Information
  • Enrollment Approval
  • Broadcast Email/Text
  • Groups Creation

Unless changes are requested, the current 4HOnline 1.0 Primary Admin will be assigned as the Primary Admin for 4-H Online 2.0 and staff managers on the list will be given full permissions to each area.  If no changes are needed for your local Extension office, no action is necessary; however, if a staff member is missing from the Manager Permissions List or permissions should be adjusted, please submit those changes to Qualtrics.

Please review the Manager Role & Permissions Guide to better understand the different areas and permissions available. Worksheets for county and district have also been created to aid staff in preparation of submitting answers online.

For more information about 4-H Online 2.0, visit the 4-H Online 2.0 Staff Resources webpage.  If you have any questions regarding manager permissions in 2.0, please contact Terry Roberts at teresaroberts@ksu.edu.


New Sponsored Program Fee Process  *NEW*
Kansas 4-H Youth Development is able to offer "coupons" for purchase to those who wish to sponsor a percentage or the full amount of the $15 Kansas 4-H Program Fee for youth members. This will take the place of the "Group Payment" process that was utilized previously. Instead of submitting specific names, sponsors will submit the number of coupons they want along with payment. This new sponsor payment method will allow for greater flexibility and speed up the enrollment activation process significantly! 

The State 4-H office will be ready to begin filling orders September 1st for the 2020-2021 Program Year, but sponsors may begin placing orders and sending payment now.

For more information, click here or visit the 4-H Online 2.0 Staff Resources webpage.  If you have any questions about sponsor payments in 2.0, please contact Terry Roberts at teresaroberts@ksu.edu.


Manager Email Addresses
We have recently learned that email addresses for login purposes cannot be duplicated in 4-H Online 2.0. This will include Managers and is a change from 1.0.

Since our 1.0 data will be imported into 2.0, any 4HOnline 1.0 Manager using the same email address for both a Manager account and a Family account were contacted via email recently and asked to change their 4HOnline 1.0 Family account's email address by July 15This communication was only sent to impacted users; however, all should be aware that email addresses for login purposes cannot be duplicated in 2.0.

Please contact Terry Roberts at teresaroberts@ksu.edu if you have any questions about manager and family email addresses.