December 15, 2021
Allow Me to Introduce Myself

Greetings, Kansas 4-H family! I'm excited to have just completed my first month in my new role and wanted to take a minute to introduce myself. I am Kelsey Nordyke, your Kansas 4-H Ag Sciences Specialist and the Regional 4-H Specialist serving the Southeast region. Having spent the last 14 years as the 4-H Youth Development Agent and 2 years as Ag/Natural Resources Agent in Cowley County, I'm no stranger to 4-H and the Southeast Area. I live in Winfield with my two kids, Kennedy and Koy. As a family, we enjoy being involved in our 4-H club, as well as the Meat Goat, Beef and Horse projects. As 8th and 4th graders, my kids keep me busy running with cheerleading, basketball, football and wrestling. Personally, I enjoy working out and running as well as volunteering as our local 4-H livestock and horse judging team coach.
In my role as 4-H youth development specialist, I look forward to working alongside our 4-H staff in the local units to provide support. I'm also excited about the opportunity to work with the agricultural sciences projects for our 4-H'ers across the state. We've already got some exciting learning and leadership opportunities being planned and I look forward to sharing them with you as they develop.
I work remotely, and have an office in Parsons at the Southeast Research and Extension Center. I can be reached via email at or cell phone 620-222-1311. I'm excited to be working with you soon!