December 15, 2021
January is Best to Apply to Host Academic Year Programs

The first 2022-23 4-H Academic Year Exchange applications will be arriving from Japan and Korea at the national States’ 4-H Office in early February 1. Families who have completed applications and are cleared to host will have first choice among the applicants. We expect boys and girls between 15 and 18 who are approved by the States’ 4-H representatives and their home organization to represent Better Futures Education (BFE) and Korea 4-H and Labo and LEX in Japan. They are screened for English skills adequate for success in American high schools. AYP students arrive about August 1 and are placed with one family for the school year, while attending a public high school. Families are expected to provide three meals a day, lodging with their own bed, and transportation.
There are no requirements for host siblings in the home. When you are contacted with questions regarding hosting an AYP student or think of a family who might host, please refer the family to Mary Kay Munson, State AYP Coordinator at 785-375-3189 or