February 15, 2021
Seeking Kansas 4-H Host families for Summer Japanese Youth Exchange
Submitted by Aliah Mestrovich Seay

Japan and Kansas 4-H youth have a 40 year history of building connections and exchanging culture over Kansas summers. Even though we were not able to exercise this option in 2020, we are planning to host the In-Bound Kansas 4-H Japan Youth Exchange program in summer 2021. There will be limited family opportunities to host youth in 2021 due to the on-going COVID-19 pandemic. At this time, only Japan youth are available for Kansas host families.
This year, we are still pledging our health to better living and following university COVID guidelines while also planning for our future together. Please join me in thanking Rose Scott (sixtykid2@gmail.com) for serving this program as the part-time Summer In-Bound program coordinator for over the past decade. The 4-H Department welcomes Pamela Van Horn, retired 4-H youth development specialist, to the position of part-time program coordinator for the Japan Kansas 4-H Summer In-Bound program. Joining Pam will be two part-time assistant representatives (Stephanie Zamrzla and Stephanie Goff) who will coordinate logistics to enable Kansas 4-H familiies to host Japanese youth in this global exchange opportunity.
The benefits of global exchange programs to our Kansas 4-H families include learning about new languages, customs, foods, values, beliefs, and the ability to create lifelong friendships across the globe. If you are interested in serving as a host family for a Japanese delegate or chaperone, please contact Pam Van Horn at pvanhorn@ksu.edu.
Please note that any KSRE program or event is subject to change based on COVID guidelines in 2021.