September 15, 2021
Photography Leaders WANTED!
Submitted by Aliah Mestrovich Seay

Photography Leaders WANTED! In 2019, pre-pandemic, the State Photography Action Team applied for and received a grant from the Kansas 4-H Foundation to help increase the number of volunteers serving as Photography project leaders in Kansas 4-H.
The grant funds C.A.T.S. (Cameras at the Springs) which is a training, networking weekend (Saturday morning through Sunday morning) designed to provide leaders with hands on shooting activities, resources from print, web resources, mentors and materials to take back to home county to use with youth.
If you would serve as a photography volunteer leader, you could attend C.A.T.S. at no cost to you beyond transportation to Rock Springs. Up to 24 volunteers are eligible to attend with full scholarship joining with those who attended the 2019 session. Adults and youth age 16 and older are welcome to attend for training.
Interested? Contact C.A.T.S. chair, Pansy Fryman at and submit your name on or before Friday, September 24th, 2021. C.A.T.S. 2021 will be held Saturday, October 9 starting at 10 am through Sunday, October 10, dismissal at 10:30am at Rock Springs 4-H Center.
Plans are already being made to provide fun, learning and lots of sharing about photography.
Questions? Contact any of the following Action Team Members:
Christy Befort-
Kathleen Ramonda-
Pansy Fryman-
Susan Stich -
Ginger Kopfer –