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  2. »4-H Youth Development
  3. »Kansas 4-H Tip Sheet
  4. »Program Fee Payment Survey due September 15 (Repost)

Kansas 4-H Tip Sheet

August 16, 2019

Program Fee Payment Survey due September 15 (Repost)

Submitted by Terry Roberts

Thank you for helping us continue to successfully navigate the Kansas 4-H program fee.  We are making plans for the new 4-H year, which starts October 1, 2019.  For the last two years, we have asked you to submit your unit's program fee payment plan.  This helps the staff in the State 4-H Office to process fees as efficiently as possible.

We ask that you complete this year's program fee payment plan survey (https://forms.gle/GSX8y4j9dHacaonXA) by September 15

This information is critical to process enrollments correctly and in a timely manner.  Please submit one survey PER COUNTY, as there may be differences within districts on the payment process.  To help you complete the online survey, you'll need to be prepared to answer the following questions:

1. How does your local Extension unit plan to pay the Kansas 4-H Program Fee?
    a. Family Payment (all families are responsible for youth member fees. There are no sponsors).
    b. Full Sponsorship (all youth members are sponsored, there are no exceptions).
    c. Partial Sponsorship (some youth members in the local Extension unit will be sponsored).

2. If you selected Partial Sponsorship, please indicate expectations or limitations that apply in order for a youth to receive sponsorship.
    a. Specific clubs will send payment for its members
    b. Members who have received certain awards will be sponsored
    c. Members who hold a specific 4-H position will be sponsored
    d. Members who re-enroll by a specific deadline will be sponsored
    e. Youth new to 4-H will be sponsored
    f. Other

Please be ready to explain your answers. (List specific clubs who will be mailing sponsorship payment, identify the reenrollment deadline required to receive sponsorship, etc.) Specific details will assist the State 4-H office in communicating with the proper individuals regarding payment.

We appreciate your help with this process!

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