June 14, 2019
4-H Horse State Fair Entries

4-H Horses can enter the Kansas State Fairgrounds at 8 a.m. on September 12. No stalls are available until 8 a.m., Thursday, September 12. Check-in begins at 10 a.m.
Required Health Papers
• Current Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI/health paper) must have been issued within the past 30 days prior to September 11, 2019.
• A negative Coggins (Equine Infectious Anemia) test is required to have been conducted within one year of the show and must accompany the CVI.
Check-in at Fairgrounds – GATE 10
• Gate 10, located on South Plum is where all horses must enter Fairgrounds.
• Exhibitors will receive a postcard or electronic message before arriving from the Kansas State Fair to get into Gate 10 for unloading.
• Gate personnel will direct exhibitors to the Stall office for further instructions and assignments.
• Pre-ordered Gate Tickets and Hangtags, which are NON-REFUNDABLE will NOT be mailed to the exhibitor(s) home rather picked up at the Credentials office located in the north end of the sheep and swine building.
• Coggins and CVI will be checked at stalls. Stalling office will notify vets for inspection.
Check-in for 4-H Show Table inside EXPO I
• Show check-in table located next to the announcer’s stand – Bring horse and 4-H Horse ID(s). Clerks will double check classes, horse(s), and horse identification papers. No adding classes or substituting horses. If showing a two-year old snaffle bit or three-year old have information available (if entered in those classes).
• Exhibitors will receive packet that includes show program, number and t-shirt if pre-ordered.
Show Day
• Check-in with the gate person prior to each class. It is the 4-H member’s responsibility to be at the gate and ready for the class.
• Additional show programs available for a fee.
• Exhibitor conflicts must be communicated with the Horse Events
Coordinator or 4-H Horse Superintendents prior to the class
• Show schedule can be found on pages 28 and 29 of the 2019 Kansas State Fair 4-H Exhibitor Handbook
• All show rules can be found in the Kansas 4-H Horse Show Rule Book, revised Spring 2018 https://www.bookstore.ksre.ksu.edu/pubs/S133.pdf.